Product Catalog: How-To Guide
Our Catalog provides information on 50,000 products. Do your research, add products into the Catalog List, print the list and bring it with you, or email the list to us if you wish.
- Click the "Online Catalog" navigation or the link below.
- Click desired categories or use the search box to find what you need.
- To add a product to your list, click the "Add To List" button.
- Once you have finished adding products to your list, click "View List" at the top-right corner of the Catalog.
- This will display the products in your list.
- Click either the "Print List" or the "Email List" option (at the bottom of your list).
- For the "Email List" option, enter your name, email address or phone number (so we can respond to you), and some notes (tell us what you'd like us to do with your list).
- If you have any questions, contact us!
Got it! Let's create my Shopping List!
P.S. To scroll down, use the eCatalog's own scroll bar.